New Leipzig Talents Leadership Coaching.



The New Leipzig Talents Coaching provides space for reflection and personal development with a focus on leadership competencies. Alongside one-on-one coaching, the program includes group sessions on topics such as leadership competencies, mindfulness and peer coaching. 

New Leipzig Talents encourages good leadership in business and society.  It is conceptually linked to the Leipzig Leadership Model, with a special emphasis on holistic thinking and action as well as an emphasis on potentials and crisis as a source of learning and growth. New Leipzig Talents is as well an opportunity to experience coaching as an HR and organizational development tool.

further reading here


Leipzig Leadership Model


Building on recent competency research the coaching focuses on four key competencies – self-reflection, societal mindfulness, earning trustworthiness and entrepreneurial spirit – that have been identified against the background of the model.

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The ability to asses your own actions critically and come to a realistic reflection. Appropriate self-reflection allows you to foster a productive attitude, increase motivation and refine how others perceive you. These factors will enable you to shape and creatively develop as a person in professional capacities and beyond.


Earning trustworthiness

The ability to build long-term relationships with deep trust as the core building block. Trustworthiness is signaled through informed, coherent and predictable behavior over time. Earning Trustworthiness is possible by approaching others openly with integrity and possessing a generally benevolent attitude.


Societal Mindfulness

The ability to be mindful and sensitive to complex managerial, organizational, and societal situations. This competency aims to take the “big picture” perspective and to develop this perspective into actions for the benefit of others as well as the common good.


Entrepreneurial Spirit

The ability to innovate and stay organized in a world of uncertainty. Entrepreneurial Spirit integrates previous skills with a personal attitude that embraces change at its core. A pronounced entrepreneurial spirit helps to question traditional ideas and to develop new and innovative solutions.

“While in career coaching we focus on goals and strategies, the New Leipzig Talents program specifically focuses on expanding your own personal competencies.”

Martina Beermann former HEAD OF HHL Career Development / Employer Relations and now New Leipzig Talents Coach